Tag Name & type | # | Description |
AddressBlockRetrieveRequest | | Namespace of this element is http://premconn.premiereconnect.com/AddressBlockRetrieve/2008/10 |
| SubmitId xs:string | 0-1 | Optional string identifying request, which will be echoed in result. |
| BlockStore BlockStoreType | 1 | The store from which blocked address information is requested. Legal values are:
| BlockLevel BlockLevelType | 1- | The level at which the requested blocks are effective. Legal values are:
- user
- customer
- group (not currently supported)
- system (not currently supported)
| NumToRetrieve xs:integer | 0-1 | Maximum number of records to retrieve. |
| DateRange | 0-1 | Date/time range for which records will be retrieved, based on record entry time. |
| StartDate xs:dateTime | 1 | Start date/time of retrieval range. |
| EndDate xs:dateTime | 1 | End date/time of retrieval range. |
| AddressTypeGroup | 1 | This choice allows retrieving block records based on the address type - for example, retrieving blocks of fax addresses. Note that automated entry of blocks may register a phone number under more than one address type (such as fax and voice). |
| AddressTypeFilter BlockAddressType | 0- | The type of address to select. Note that more than one AddressTypeFilter may appear in the AddressTypeGroup. Legal values are:
- fax
- internet
- mbox
- x400
- telex
- cablegram
- mailgram
- ddd
- dedLine
- softswitch
- voice
- sms
- fod
- list
- smQuery
AddressFilter AddressFilterType | 1 | This choice allows block records for particular address(es) to be requested. |
| DomainBlockAddress xs:string | 0- | Blocked domain (e.g. somewhere.com). This is valid for internet addresses only. |
| BlockAddress BlockDestinationType | 0- | This element holds the actual address being requested. Note that the address may be normalized (if it is not declared to already be so), and the normalized form will be used to find matching records. It is possible for more than one record to exist for a given address, since blocks may have been entered more than once, or for different non-normalized forms. See BlockDestinationType. |