Campaign information can be retrieved by naming specific campaigns. If no CampaignNames are provided, then information for all of the requester's campaigns will be returned, although the amount of information returned can be limited by specifying either a date range or the number of campaigns to be returned (or both).
Tag Name & type | # | Description |
CampaignListRequest | | Namespace of this element is |
| SubmitId xs:string | 0-1 | Optional string identifying request, which will be echoed in result. |
| Domain xs:string | 1 | The EasyLink domain on which the CampaignCreate requested should be sent. Legal values are XDDS or MR, or the actual name of a domain. Using an actual domain name is discouraged, since using the generic values allows EasyLink to consider all currently accessible switches. |
| NumToRetrieve xs:unsignedInt | 0-1 | Number of campaigns to be retrieved. If no CampaignNames are specified, all the campaigns for the requester are fetched, but this element limits the maximum number of campaigns actually returned in the result. |
| IncludeForms xs:boolean | 1 | If true, the details of the forms for each campaign are included in the result. |
| DateRange DateRangeType | 0-1 | The start time window for campaigns to be retrieved. This is only effective if CampaignNames are not specified explicitly. |
| StartDate xs:dateTime | 1 | Campaigns whose start date is later than this start date will be listed. |
| EndDate xs:dateTime | 1 | Campaigns whose start date is earlier than this date will be listed. |
| CampaignName xs:string | 0- | Name of a campaign whose details are to be listed. |