Cloud Fax and Notifications API 2.4 Documentation
Common Types and Elements
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These pages describe an earlier version of the Cloud Fax and Notifications API.
While that version continues to function, new development should use the current version.

3.7 DocumentType

A Document represents a single document, along with information about the document. It does not indicate how the document is to be used. Note that the DocData element is actually a type that is used in other situations where a document is transferred. Also note that most kinds of documents will need to be base64-encoded for inclusion in the XML requests.

Tag Name
& type
0-1This is an arbitrary string that may be used to identify and refer to the document in other parts of a request. To be used in this way, the ref attribute must be present and must be unique within a request body.
1Indicates the format of the document. There are a limited number of legal values. The Cloud Fax and Notifications API will determine if the document indicated for any particular use is of an appropriate type, and generate an error response if it is not. Legal types currently are:
BMP.bmp image
emptydocument with no content
GIFGIF image file
HTMLHyper Text Markup Language
HTMLLITEThe simplified version of Hyper Text Markup Language (aimed at AOL recipients)
JPEGJPEG image file
MPPMicrosoft Project file
MSWMicrosoft Word
PCLHP Printer Control Language
PDFAdobe Portable Document Format
PNGPNG image file
PPTPowerPoint document
PUBMicrosoft Publisher document
RTFRich Text Format
SMFSMF (EasyLink Standard Message Format) input
textdata to be treated as text
TIFFTagged Image File Format input
unspecIn some cases the file format is unimportant, e.g. for e-mail attachments.
VSDVisio document
WAVWAV/RIFF audio data
XARStandard UNIX ar archive
XLSMicrosoft Excel Spreadsheet
XMFXMF input

These are not necessarily the same as the filename extension - for example "MSW" is typically used for ".doc" and ".docx" files.
0-1This contains a string to be used wherever the filename of the document may be required. It is not necessarily the actual name of any file that contains the document. In general, the document type will be determined by the DocType value, but for some email processing, the extension part of the Filename value may be used to determine MIME types.
1This choice is used when the actual document content is present in the XML request.
1Indicates the format of the data in the XML and may have one of these values:
textif the document is present as plain text, or
base64if it is present as base-64 encoded data
(base64 is likely to be the most common)
1This choice is used to refer to a document to be retrieved from the Customer File Store. The value should be the full file path of the desired document, relative to the requester's root CFS directory.
1This choice is used to refer to a document via a URL to be used to retrieve the actual document. (Beware of possible access difficulties.)
1This choice is used to refer to a document stored as a Stored Object
1Indicates the stored object type. Currently supported stored object types are:
ttsText-to-Speech template
vcsVoice Control Script
0-1Optional attribute indicating the ownership level of the stored object. Legal level values are:
userthe stored object belongs to the user
customerthe stored object belongs to the customer;
groupthe stored object belongs to the group
systemthe stored object is available to everyone.
0-1The ISO name of the character set used by the document
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Modified October 06, 2020