Tag Name & type | # | Description |
ItemLevelQueryResult | | Namespace of this element is http://premconn.premiereconnect.com/itemLevelQuery/2008/10 |
| Status StatusType | 1 | Status of processing. See StatusType. |
| SubmitId xs:string | 0-1 | Echoes the SubmitId in the request, if one was provided, and if possible. |
| ItemQueryData | 0- | Contains item information. |
| UserId xs:string | 0-1 | User ID. |
| Domain xs:string | 1 | Domain that processed the item. This value can be used in a subsequent request as StartJobFilter/JobId/XDN. |
| JobNumber xs:string | 1 | Job Number to which the item belongs. This value can be used in a subsequent request as StartJobFilter/JobId/MRN. |
| BillingSubJobNo xs:int | 1 | Billing subjob number of the item. This value can be used in a subsequent request as StartJobFilter/BillingSuJobNo. |
| XQN xs:int | 1 | XQN of the item. This value can be used in a subsequent request as StartJobFilter/XQN. |
| State StateType | 0-1 | Indicates the state of this delivery. The value will be one of
- Pending
- Submitted
- InProcess
- Error
- Cancelled
- Held
- Sent
- Expired
| @code StateCodeType | 1 | The value will be a number corresponding to the state.
1 | Pending |
2 | Submitted |
3 | InProcess |
4 | Error |
5 | Cancelled |
6 | Held |
7 | Sent |
8 | Expired |
| @gammacode xs:int | 0-1 | A code that may provide more detailed status information, mainly applicable to the Error state. EasyLink can provide a table of these error codes and their meaning. Only non-zero values are returned. |
| JobEntryTime xs:dateTime | 0-1 | Time the job entered the EasyLink system. |
| DeliveryTime xs:dateTime | 0-1 | Delivery time of the item. |
| BillingCode EncodableStringType | 0-1 | Billing code from the item's job, if any. |
| CustomerReference EncodableStringType | 0-1 | Customer reference from the item's job, if any. |
| ItemReference EncodableStringType | 0-1 | Item's "ref", if any. |
| DestinationAddress DestinationType | 0-1 | The destination address of the item.
Note that although the request may have specified a certain type of address, ItemLevelQuery operates on the destination address alone, so the result will contain matching addresses of any type. This is particularly likely for "phone" address types (fax, sms, voice). |
| NormalizedDestinationAddress DestinationType | 0-1 | The normalized form of the destination address used by the switch. |
| ResendOriginalJob JobIdType | 0-1 | If this item's job was the result of a resend or resubmit operation, this field will contain the job number (MRN) of the original job. |
| ExtendedJobData ExtDataType | 0-1 | If the request specified fields in IncludeExtendedJobData, then this will contain the value for any matching fields from the job. |
| ExtSegment | 1- | Contains fields from a particular segment. |
| @name xs:string | 0-1 | Specifies the segment name. Absence indicates the default "USER" segment. |
| ExtProp ExtPropType | 1- | Contains the data from a particular field. This may be returned in one of several forms, depending on the type of field it is. |
| @name xs:string | 0-1 | Name of the field. |
| @idnum xs:string | 0-1 | ID number of the field. |
| ExtString EncodableStringType | 1 | This choice returns string data. See EncodableStringType. |
ExtNumber xs:decimal | 1 | This choice returns numeric data. |
ExtDateTime xs:dateTime | 1 | This choice returns a time value in xs:dateTime form. |
| MoreItemsFound xs:boolean | 1 | This flag indicates whether there were more records found, but that were not included in the result because of the NumToRetrieve restriction. Further records can be retrieved by using the same criteria and setting the StartJobFilter values. |