Cloud Fax and Notifications API 2.4 Documentation
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These pages describe an earlier version of the Cloud Fax and Notifications API.
While that version continues to function, new development should use the current version.

25.2 Common Job-Level Keywords

JobDetailRequest   JobDetailResult

There are many data fields associated with jobs. This table shows the ones commonly of interest to users that can be used in the RequestedJobAttributes element of a JobDetailRequest. The equivalent element in a JobDeliveryStatusResult is also shown, where applicable.

Field Keyword Description JDS Element
area_code_recip_omitted The number of addresses from the original recipient list(s) that were not delivered due to area code filtering. AreaCodeRecipOmitted
att The ATT field which may be used as the Attention field on a fax coversheet, or as the Subject field for non-enhanced email.
This value may be RFC2047-encoded if necessary and the UseBase64 option has been set.
bc User-supplied billing code.
This value may be RFC2047-encoded if necessary and the UseBinary option has been set.
charset The default job-level character set. CharacterSet
compliance_result Indicates the result of a compliance review, Accept or Reject. ComplianceResult
cref User-supplied customer reference value.
This value may be RFC2047-encoded if necessary and the UseBinary option has been set.
delivery_paces Names of the delivery paces associated with this job. DeliveryPaces
drop_copy:dropy_copy_from The "from" field that will appear on a "drop copy" message. DropCopyFrom
drop_copy:drop_copy_to Destination to which a "drop copy" message was sent. DropCopyTo
entry_time Time the job entered the EasyLink system, in xs:dateTime format. EntryTime
expiration_time Time at which messageREACH® jobs actually complete, in xs:dateTime format. This is after deliveries have been completed, and is the period in which post-delivery activity is possible e.g. for pull events. ExpirationTime
fax2mail:svc Indicates the type of fax2mail service: F2M or M2F. Fax2MailService
faxin_log:connect_time The duration of an "instruction sheet" job submission in seconds. FaxInConnectTime
faxin_log:dnis The fax number used for submission of an "instruction sheet" job. FaxInDNIS
faxin_log:fax_id The TSID from the fax machine submitting an "instruction sheet" job. FaxInFaxID
faxin_log:page_count The number of fax pages received by EasyLink from an "instruction sheet" job submission. FaxInPageCount
faxto The "to" value for a fax coversheet.
This value may be RFC2047-encoded if necessary and the UseBase64 option has been set.
filename Primary input filename.
This value may be RFC2047-encoded if necessary and the UseBase64 option has been set.
group_name Specifies the user's primary Fax2Mail "group name". GroupName
job_flags A 32-bit mask of job flags. JobFlags
job_group_status If the job is part of a job group, this will be "parent" or "child". JobGroupStatus
job_status_done Job's completion time, in xs:dateTime format. CompletionTime
job_status_posted Time all primary deliveries completed, in xs:dateTime format. PostedTime
job_was_paused Boolean indicating whether job was paused at some point in processing. JobWasPaused
lists_used Semicolon-delimited string of list names. Normalization of list name character set is attempted. ListsUsed (approx)
me822:from The "from" display name used in an enhanced email job. EmailFrom
String that may be used for enhanced-email Subject. Subject
paced Boolean value indicating whether a voice job was paced. Paced
parent_job If the job is a job group child, this is the "parent" job of the group.  
preview "true" if preview had been requested for the job. Preview
priority Method used to schedule the job, express, offpeak or scheduled. DeliveryPriority
recipient_locale_start_time If specified, this value represents the local clock time used as the start time for delivery, in xs:dateTime format. Note that this value will not have a "timezone" portion. RecipientLocaleStartTime
retry_algo Name (usually numeric) of the retry pattern used for this job. RetryAlgorithm
service_type The EasyLink system will attempt to associate jobs with various service types, reflecting the general nature of the job (fax, email, voice, etc.). Possible values include but are not limited to: FR, MR, VR, SR. ServiceType
start_time Time the job was scheduled to start, in xs:dateTime format. StartTime
voice_params:transfer_num Phone number and extension (if present) for a hot-key transfer. TransferNum
xqn_count The number of primary destinations for this job. DestinationCount

Other fields ("UDDRS" values) may be available for specialized applications.

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Modified October 06, 2020