Tag Name & type | # | Description |
JobListResult | | Namespace of this element is http://premconn.premiereconnect.com/JobList/2008/10 |
| Status StatusType | 1 | Status of processing. See StatusType. |
| SubmitId xs:string | 0-1 | Echoes the SubmitId in the request, if one was provided, and if possible. |
| JobListItem JobListItemType | 0- | One JobListItem element will be present for each job. |
| JobId JobIdType | 1 | Job identifier. See JobIdType. |
| RecStatus RecStatusType | 1 | The status of this particular record. See RecStatusType.
If the JobListRequest requested information for specific jobs, the request for each job may succeed or fail independently of the others, and the code will reflect that for this particular job.
If the JobListRequest used a JobListRequestFilters element, then the code in RecStatus will indicate success (0) for each record. The last job found in each domain will have special text values as the contents of the RecStatus element. If the list of jobs from a particular domain was truncated due to a NumToRetrieve limit, the value will be "LAST_IN_XDN_MORE", to indicate that more jobs that match the request criteria exist. If no more matching jobs exist, the value will be "LAST_IN_XDN_NO_MORE" |
| UserId xs:string | 0-1 | The user id of the job's owner. |
| EntryTime xs:dateTime | 0-1 | Job's entry time. |
| ScheduledTime xs:dateTime | 0-1 | Job's scheduled start time. |
| StartTime xs:dateTime | 0-1 | Job's start time. |
| CompletionTime xs:dateTime | 0-1 | Job's completion time. |
| BillingCode EncodableStringType | 0-1 | Job's billing code, if any. See EncodableStringType. |
| CustomerReference EncodableStringType | 0-1 | Job's customer reference, if any. See EncodableStringType. |
| JobState xs:string | 0- | Indicates the job's current state. Valid values for the JobState element are:
- AwaitingSetup
- Setup
- Processing
- AwaitingDelivery
- Delivering
- Posted
- Delivered
- Reporting
- Complete
- Error
- Cancelled
- Held
- Preview
- Paused
- AwaitingCompliance
Note that a job may be in more than one of these states simultaneously - the states Cancelled, Error, Posted, Reporting, Held, Preview, Paused, and AwaitingCompliance may occur in combination with other states. |
| DeliveryPriority xs:string | 0-1 | The job's delivery schedule method. Values include:
- express
- offpeak
- scheduled
Other values may occur, but are not typical. |
| ListsUsed | 0-1 | Identifies the stored lists (if any) used with the job. |
| ListId ListIdType | 1- | List identifier. See ListIdType. |
| DestinationCount xs:integer | 0-1 | The number of primary destinations for this job. |
| PostedTime xs:dateTime | 0-1 | The time the job completed posting, i.e. all primary deliveries complete. |
| ExpirationTime xs:dateTime | 0-1 | Job's expiration time. For enhanced email jobs this is the date/time at which EasyLink will stop collecting MDNs, DSN, HTML open tracking, and pull statistics. |
| ServiceType xs:string | 0-1 | The EasyLink system will attempt to associate jobs with various service types, reflecting the general nature of the job (fax, email, voice, etc.). Possible values include but are not limited to:
| Fax2MailService xs:string | 0-1 | Indicates the type of fax2mail service: F2M or M2F (case insensitive) |
| JobGroupStatus JobGroupStatusTypeType | 0-1 | If the job is associated with a job group, this will indicate whether it is the job group head ("parent") or a member of the group ("child") |
| Preview xs:boolean | 0-1 | true if fax preview was requested for this job |
| PreviewResult xs:string | 0-1 | Indicates the result of the preview process, if any. Possible values are:
- accepted
- rejected
- timeout
| ComplianceResult xs:string | 0-1 | Indicates the result of the compliance process, if any. |
| JobFlags xs:integer | 0-1 | Integer representation of a 32-bit mask of job flags |
| JobFlags2 xs:integer | 0-1 | Integer representation of extended bit mask of job flags |
| JobWasPaused xs:boolean | 0-1 | Boolean indicating whether job was paused at some point in processing |
| FaxCoverSheet xs:boolean | 0-1 | Boolean indicating whether a coversheet was requested for this job |
| Att EncodableStringType | 0-1 | Job-level Att value (destination-level value may also exist). See EncodableStringType. |
| FaxTo EncodableStringType | 0-1 | Job-level FaxTo value (destination-level value may also exist) See EncodableStringType. |
| Subject EncodableStringType | 0-1 | Job-level subject value. See EncodableStringType. |
| EmailFrom EncodableStringType | 0-1 | The "from" display name used in an enhanced email job. See EncodableStringType. |
| Filename EncodableStringType | 0-1 | Filename associated with this job. See EncodableStringType.
This value will be base64-encoded (with "binary" b64charset) if the UseBinary option was specified, or if conversion to UTF-8 was unsuccessful. |
| FaxMode FaxModeType | 0-1 | If applicable, the fax mode ("standard" or "fine") used for delivery |
| Class xs:string | 0-1 | The EasyLink delivery class: bcast or p2p (case insensitive) |
| GroupName xs:string | 0-1 | Specifies the user's primary Fax2Mail "group name" |
| CharacterSet xs:string | 0-1 | Job-level default character set |
| TransferNum TransferNumType | 0- | Phone number and extension (if present) for a hot-key transfer |
| @transferKey xs:string | 0-1 | Telephone key number associated with the transfer number |
| Paced xs:boolean | 0-1 | Boolean indicating whether a voice job was paced |
| DeliveryPaces xs:string | 0-1 | Specifies the names of the delivery paces associated with this job. (Not currently populated) |
| FaxInFaxID xs:string | 0-1 | The TSID from the fax machine submitting an "instruction sheet" job |
| FaxInDNIS xs:string | 0-1 | The fax number used for submission of an "instruction sheet" job |
| FaxInConnectTime xs:int | 0-1 | int specifying the duration of an "instruction sheet" job submission in seconds |
| FaxInPageCount xs:int | 0-1 | int specifying the number of fax pages received by EasyLink from an "instruction sheet" job submission |
| AreaCodeRecipOmitted xs:string | 0-1 | Specifies the number of addresses from the original recipient list(s) that were not delivered due to area code filtering |
| RetryAlgorithm xs:string | 0-1 | Name (usually numeric) of the retry pattern used for this job |
| RecipientLocaleStartTime xs:dateTime | 0-1 | If the RecipientLocaleStartTime option was used for the job, this value represents the local clock time used as the start time for delivery. Note that this value will not have a "timezone" portion. |
| ExtendedJobData ExtDataType | 0-1 | If "extended" data is available and requested, it will be returned in this element. |
| ExtSegment | 1- | Contains extended field from a particular segment. |
| @name xs:string | 0-1 | Name of the segment or data group of the data field being returned. (Optional - some data fields may not belong to a segment.) |
| ExtProp ExtPropType | 1- | Container for one data field value |
| @name xs:string | 0-1 | Name of the extended data field. |
| @idnum xs:string | 0-1 | Identifying number (if any) of the extended data field. |
| ExtString EncodableStringType | 1 | Used if extended data is represented as a character string. See EncodableStringType. |
ExtNumber xs:decimal | 1 | Used if extended data is known to be a number |
ExtDateTime xs:dateTime | 1 | Used if extended data is known to be a date/time. |
| DropCopyTo xs:string | 0-1 | Fax number/Email address of the drop copy recipient. See EncodableStringType. |
| DropCopyFrom EncodableStringType | 0-1 | Fax2Mail Drop copy service address. |