3.12 BranchingInfoType
Used in the VoiceScript functions, this may appear inside any of the Transaction elements. For a simple linear script, a Branching element would not be necessary. But with Branching elements, the next transaction that will be presented based on the recipient's input can be specified, allowing complex scripts to be created. The next transaction can be specified by either its TransactionName or its TransactionID value. 
Tag Name & type | # | Description |
BranchingInfoType | | Used inside Transaction elements in VoiceScript functions. |
| Condition BranchingConditionType | 0-1 | This is a string specifying the condition to be applied for this branch. Legal values are:
equals |
notequals |
lessthan |
greaterthan |
| InputKey xs:unsignedInt | 0-1 | This is the user input key or value associated with this branch. |
| GotoTransactionID xs:unsignedInt | 1 | This choice specifies the transactionID of the next transaction that will be presented to the user when this branch condition is satisfied. |
GoToTransaction xs:string | 1 | This choice gives the TransactionName of the next transaction that will be presented to the user when this branch condition is satisfied. |