3.9.13 InsertListType
The InsertList element is an optional child of several of the above destination types. It contains one or more Insert elements, whose values are treated as text strings that may be used by certain switch features to personalize documents. 
Tag Name & type | # | Description |
InsertListType | | |
| Insert | 1- | The content of this element is the string value used as the insert. |
| @number xs:integer | 0-1 | Each Insert should have a unique number, usually starting with 1. The document features that call on these values refers to them by this number. |
| @b64charset xs:string | 0-1 | In order to transmit an Insert value that is in a character set incompatible with the XML document, the data can be sent in base64-encoded form, and the character set (ISO name) put in this attribute. If this attribute is present, the system will expect base64-encoded data as the value in this column of each row. The value of this attribute should be an ISO character set name, or one of a set of alternative names recognized by the EasyLink switch (see Character Sets). |