2.3 Response
The Response element will be included in responses sent from the Cloud Fax and Notifications API to the client. When using the Cloud Fax and Notifications API in asynchronous mode, a Response header element will be present in both the immediate response to the initial request, and the eventual request to the user's webservice.
There are several different namespaces containing the Response element - consult the WSDL to determine the appropriate schema to expect for any particular request. For current function versions, the appropriate namespace is also shown in these pages in each function's Overview page. 
Tag Name & type | # | Description |
Response | | |
| @[any] ##any | 0-1 | Arbitrary attributes may appear, although there is no current use of this provision. |
| SenderKey xs:anyURI | 1 | URI associated with the sender. This currently has no particular significance, although it may help identify the API version. |
| ReceiverKey xs:anyURI | 0-1 | URI associated with the receiver. |
| RequestID xs:string | 0-1 | Echoes the value supplied in the Request, if any. |
| ProcessingID xs:string | 0-1 | Internal Cloud Fax and Notifications API processing id. This value can help EasyLink research processing errors. If possible, provide this value to EasyLink when reporting a problem. |