Cloud Fax and Notifications API 2.6 Documentation
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1.1 Purpose

These pages are intended to be a reference to the data elements used in the Cloud Fax and Notifications API requests and results. They should be used as a supplement to the Cloud Fax and Notifications API function schemas, and attempt to lay out the structure of request and result XML files in a way that may be more intelligible than the schemas themselves.

Familiarity with the services offered by EasyLink (particularly XDDS and MR message switches) is assumed, and may be necessary for successful use of the Cloud Fax and Notifications API. Application validation or subsequent switch processing requirements or limits may lead to the rejection of requests or processing errors, even for requests that are schematically correct.

These pages only describe the data elements of the SOAP requests used for the Cloud Fax and Notifications API, and does not attempt to explain the full mechanics of making webservice calls or the behavior of development tools that interpret the schemas. The Cloud Fax and Notifications API is intended to be accessed as a webservice from client programs, so in general users will have to provide their own software that complies with the schema and specification. Information at Cloud Fax and Notifications API Forums Home may be helpful when building applications that will use the Cloud Fax and Notifications API.

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Modified October 06, 2020