2. Set any desired options. Code snippet to set up various job options. This code snippet sets up customer reference, billing code, and fax options. // Setup MessageObject Fax.EMsgAPI_JobSubmit201101.MessageType[] JS_Message = new Fax.EMsgAPI_JobSubmit201101.MessageType[1]; JS_Message[0] = new Fax.EMsgAPI_JobSubmit201101.MessageType(); // Setup JobOptions - CREF, Billing Code, FAX Fax.EMsgAPI_JobSubmit201101.JobOptionsType JS_JobOptions = new Fax.EMsgAPI_JobSubmit201101.JobOptionsType(); Fax.EMsgAPI_JobSubmit201101.EncodableStringType JS_CRef = new Fax.EMsgAPI_JobSubmit201101.EncodableStringType(); Fax.EMsgAPI_JobSubmit201101.EncodableStringType JS_BCode = new Fax.EMsgAPI_JobSubmit201101.EncodableStringType(); Fax.EMsgAPI_JobSubmit201101.FaxOptionsType JS_FaxOptions = new Fax.EMsgAPI_JobSubmit201101.FaxOptionsType(); // set CREF and Billing Code JS_BCode.Value = "BillCode"; JS_JobOptions.BillingCode = JS_BCode; JS_CRef.Value = "CREF"; JS_JobOptions.CustomerReference = JS_CRef; // Set FaxOptions JS_FaxOptions.FaxMode = Fax.EMsgAPI_JobSubmit201101.FaxModeType.standard; JS_FaxOptions.FaxModeSpecified = true; // Set JobOptions as FaxOptions JS_JobOptions.FaxOptions = JS_FaxOptions; // Set Message Object JS_Message[0].JobOptions = JS_JobOptions;
Code snippet to set up various job options. This code snippet sets up customer reference, billing code, and fax options.
Version 1.0