Sub SendSMS() 'Send SMS to the phone number in the Sestination Text Box. Dim message1, message2 As String Dim EM As EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.JobSubmitService = New EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.JobSubmitService Dim request As EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.Request = New EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.Request Dim authentication As EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.RequestAuthentication = New EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.RequestAuthentication Dim xddsauth As EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.XDDSAuthType = New EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.XDDSAuthType Dim uid As EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.UIDType = New EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.UIDType Dim jobrequest As EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.JobSubmitRequest = New EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.JobSubmitRequest EM.Url = GetRequestUrl() request.ReceiverKey = GetRequestUrl() 'This returns the URL of PGiConnect Server message1 = "TEST SMS" message2 = "This is a SMS test document" API_Demo.txtResult.Text = "Please wait..." Application.DoEvents() jobrequest.SubmitId = message1 ' WebProxy traps the XML request and response files. If API_Demo.chkUseProxyTrace.Checked Then EM.Proxy = New System.Net.WebProxy("http://localhost:8080") End If ' Build the SOAP Header uid.Value = API_Demo.txtUserID.Text xddsauth.RequesterID = uid 'UID xddsauth.Password = API_Demo.txtPassword.Text 'Password authentication.Item = xddsauth request.Authentication = authentication request.ReceiverKey = GetRequestUrl() 'request.ResultRequired = EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.RequiredType.yes request.RequestID = "Test" EM.RequestValue = request 'Documents Dim document() As EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.DocumentType Dim documentdata As EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.DocDataType = New EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.DocDataType documentdata.format = EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.DocEncodingFormat.base64 documentdata.Value = System.Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message2)) ReDim document(1) document(0) = New EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.DocumentType document(0).DocType = "text" document(0).ref = "DocOne" Dim myFileName As EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.EncodableStringType = New EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.EncodableStringType myFileName.Value = "test.txt" document(0).Filename = myFileName document(0).ItemElementName = EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.ItemChoiceType.DocData document(0).Item = documentdata documentdata = Nothing 'add the documents to the job request jobrequest.DocumentSet = document ' Build a message Dim message As EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.MessageType() ReDim message(1) message(0) = New EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.MessageType ' Contents Dim content() As EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.ContentPartType Dim contentstype As EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.ContentsType ReDim content(1) content(0) = New EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.ContentPartType contentstype = New EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.ContentsType contentstype.Part = content content(0).Item = "DocOne" content(0).Treatment = EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.TreatmentType.body content(0).TreatmentSpecified = True ' Add the contents to the message message(0).Contents = contentstype ' Setup job options Dim joboptions As EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.JobOptionsType = New EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.JobOptionsType() joboptions.CustomerReference = New EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.EncodableStringType joboptions.CustomerReference.Value = "My Customer Reference" joboptions.BillingCode = New EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.EncodableStringType joboptions.BillingCode.Value = "My Billing Code" 'setup domain Dim myDomain As String myDomain = "" myDomain = GetDomain() If (myDomain <> "") And (API_Demo.chkDomain.Checked) Then joboptions.Domain = myDomain End If ' Setup SMS options Dim SMSoptions As EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.SmsOptionsType = New EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.SmsOptionsType ' Add the SMS options to the job options (NOTE: SMS Options will be empty) joboptions.SmsOptions = SMSoptions ' Add the job options to the message message(0).JobOptions = joboptions ' Setup reports Dim reports As EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.ReportOptionsType = New EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.ReportOptionsType Dim deliveryreport As EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.ReportOptionsTypeDeliveryReport = New EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.ReportOptionsTypeDeliveryReport deliveryreport.DeliveryReportType = EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.MainReportTypeEnum.detail reports.DeliveryReport = deliveryreport ' Add reports to the message message(0).Reports = reports ' Setup delivery destination(s) Dim deliverySMS() As EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.SmsType Dim SMSnumber As String ReDim deliverySMS(1) deliverySMS(0) = New EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.SmsType SMSnumber = "207-441-4985" 'SMSnumber = API_Demo.txtEmail.Text deliverySMS(0).Phone = SMSnumber message(0).Destinations = deliverySMS jobrequest.Message = message Dim response As EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.Response = New EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.Response EM.ResponseValue = response ' Submit the job request Dim jobresult As EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.JobSubmitResult = New EMsgAPIJobSubmit201101.JobSubmitResult Try jobresult = EM.JobSubmit(jobrequest) Catch ex As Exception System.Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message) MsgBox("Error: " & ex.Message) Return End Try 'Process the response Dim success As Boolean success = ProcessResponse(EM.ResponseValue) 'this just writes the status If (success) Then Dim sJobNumber As String If jobresult.Status.StatusCode = 0 Then 'case no error Try sJobNumber = jobresult.MessageResult(0).JobId.XDN & ":" & jobresult.MessageResult(0).JobId.MRN Catch ex As Exception MsgBox("Error reading JobID:" & ex.Message) Return End Try API_Demo.txtResult.Text = ("Job Number=" & sJobNumber & vbCrLf & "Result=" & jobresult.Status.StatusCode & vbCrLf & jobresult.Status.StatusMessage) Else 'case error API_Demo.txtResult.Text = ("Result=" & jobresult.Status.StatusCode & vbCrLf & jobresult.Status.StatusMessage) End If End If End Sub