If EasyLink Services’ faxReach is one of the many services that you use, and you constantly monitor fax job results, Call Detail Records (CDR) might be a solution that may be of interest to you. CDR is a feature that pushes fax delivery results via HTTP POST to your Web Service in XML format. To enable this feature, a valid web service listener is required, and the URL of your Web Service CDR listener needs to be configured in your user profile by an EasyLink associate. After your web service receives data, it has to return either success (as indicated in the following section) or failure.

How do I know if my URL is active?

Visit your web service URL (ie: http://**URL**) and it should return:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>






I like the idea of not polling for job results, how do I set up a Web Service?

Ahhh, good question. Aside from Googling, we have another article on that very subject. For a step-by-step instruction, download the CDRReceiver.zip attachment which comprises a basic Listener and Reader including source code.

Can I get more information on the format of the push data?

Yes, please refer to the attached CDR Data Elements v1.3.pdf file below.


Can I use this for voiceReach jobs as well?

Yes, if you have a valid Web Service Listener configured in your profile, a voice job will also have results pushed. However, the parameters pushed are fax specific, but naturally, there are overlapping elements for fax and voice jobs. The elements pushed back are in the attached CDR Data Elements v1.3.pdf, and a sample is also provided.

CDRReceiver.zip138.45 KB
CDR Data Elements v1.3.pdf285.65 KB