Cloud Fax and Notifications API 2.5 Documentation
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These pages describe an earlier version of the Cloud Fax and Notifications API.
While that version continues to function, new development should use the current version.

60.3 VoiceScriptRetrieveResult

VoiceScriptRetrieve Overview   VoiceScriptRetrieveRequest

Tag Name
& type
VoiceScriptRetrieveResult   Namespace of this element is
1Status of processing. See StatusType.
0-1Echoes the SubmitId in the request, if one was provided, and if possible.
0-1Echoes the ObjectStore in the request if possible.
0-1Voice script identifier. See Stored Objects.
1If the transaction information is requested it will be returned in this element. The WAV attachment will not be retrieved if it is not asked for.
0-1This optional element is the identification WAV file for the voice script. It is provided as a means to identify the script when selecting a script to deliver. See DocumentInfoType.
   Transaction1-Each Transaction contains one transaction record of the script. There are 5 types of transactions possible: Informational, MultipleChoice, AutoTransfer, NumericInput and ExactMatch.
0-1This attribute specifies the transaction ID. This ID may be used to refer to this transaction in other places in the request, for example in a Branching element.
1This gives the transaction name. This name may be used to refer to this transaction in other places in the request, for example in a Branching element.
1This is an informational type of transaction with no inputs from the user.
0-1This is the WAV file or Text-to-Speech template to be played when the transaction is delivered to a recipient. See DocumentInfoType.
0-1This allows a user to specify the transaction flow from this transaction. See BranchingInfoType. The default is to proceed to the next transaction. There can be no conditional user input for this transaction.
1This type of transaction permits multiple choice inputs from the user.
   ResponseRange1This determines what user input is valid for the transaction.
   NumChoices1This is the number of choices allowed for user input. The maximum allowed is 10 (1 - 9 plus the 0 key).
0-1This optional element is the input that, if entered by the recipient during script delivery, will terminate script delivery. The available choices are based on the NumChoices option selected (e.g. if you select 4 as the number of choices, then only the keys 5 - 9, 0 and '*' are available).
0-1This is the WAV file or Text-to-Speech template to be played when the transaction is delivered to a recipient. See DocumentInfoType.
0-1This is the response WAV or Text-to-Speech template to be played when this transaction is presented to the recipient. The response file is played immediately after the PromptAttachment WAV or Text-to-Speech template is played. See DocumentInfoType.
0-This allows a user to specify the transaction flow from this transaction. See BranchingInfoType. The default is to proceed to the next transaction.
1This is an auto-transfer transaction. Auto Transfer can be set-up with an audio prompt to be played to the broadcast recipient while the call transfer is taking place. This can be either a WAV file or a TTS template. This prompt will be played in a loop until the transfer call attempt completes. The default is to play silence. The pause between the prompt playback is measured in seconds with a default of five seconds.
   ResponseRange1This determines what user input is valid for the transaction.
1Determines the transfer number, stored in the user profile, to be used for a live answer call.
1The duration in seconds of the pause before the prompt is repeated.
0-1This is the WAV file or Text-to-Speech template to be played when the transaction is delivered to a recipient. See DocumentInfoType.
1This type of transaction permits numeric inputs from the user.
   ResponseRange1This determines what user input is valid for the transaction.
NOTE: User input for transactions of this type is terminated when either the maximum range of input digits is reached or the '#' key is pressed. If you wish to allow the user to always terminate the input by using the '#' key, it is suggested that you increase the maximum range by one digit (Example: setting the minimum/maximum input digit range to 1-3 would cause input termination after 999 is received. Increasing the maximum input digits allowed to 4 would then allow the input 999# to be received). Note that user input may also time out. This timeout will occur if 15 seconds passes before the first input is received. After the first input to this transaction is received, 6 seconds is allowed between subsequent key presses before a timeout occurs. When a timeout occurs, if the number of digits input is less than the minimum specified, then the transaction will replay. If the number of digits input is greater than or equal to the minimum digits specified, then the input will be treated as valid input.
1This is the minimum number of digits accepted as the response to this transaction.
1This is the maximum number of digits accepted as the response to this transaction. (Example: if the minimum and maximum digit values are both 2, valid user input would range between 00-99). The maximum number must be greater than or equal to the minimum number. The maximum number cannot be larger than 127.
0-1This is the WAV file or Text-to-Speech template to be played when the transaction is delivered to a recipient. See DocumentInfoType.
0-3This allows a user to specify the transaction flow from this transaction. See BranchingInfoType. The default is to proceed to the next transaction. This allows the next transaction to be selected based on an arithmetic comparison of the user input to a specific numeric value in the branch condition.
1This transaction permits testing an exact match of the condition.
   ResponseRange1This determines what user input is valid for the transaction.
1This is the ID of the destination list insert whose value is to be used when performing input matching for this transaction. The InsertId must be any number from 1 to 999.
1This value determines the maximum number of attempts the call recipient will be given to enter a correct response (a response that matches the value for the provided insert) after the initial incorrect response. This value must be in the range from 0 to 20.
Note that this includes the initial attempt as well as retry attempts, so this may be one greater than values (as on the voiceREACH website) that only show the number of retries.
0-1This is the WAV file or Text-to-Speech template to be played when the transaction is delivered to a recipient. See DocumentInfoType.
0-1This is the response WAV or Text-to-Speech template to be played when this transaction is presented to the recipient. The response file is played when the entered response does not match the insert value. See DocumentInfoType.
0-2This allows a user to specify the transaction flow from this transaction when the input collected from the call recipient matches or does not match the exact match insert id value for the recipient. See BranchingInfoType. The conditions to be used in this element should be either equals or notequals only. The default is to proceed to the next transaction.
0-This optional element is used to give the attachment file details if RetrievalContentType is set to TransactionWithAttachement. This contains the actual WAV files, in Document format. See DocumentType.
Description1This contains the description properties.
0-Each Segment contains fields from a particular segment.
0-1This is the segment name.
   Property1-The value of this element will be the value retrieved from the property (keyword).
1The property name (keyword).
0-1Attribute defining the character set of the contained data/value. See CharacterSets.
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Modified October 06, 2020