3.12 FaxNumberType
This is used to denote a type of the FAX Number.
This contains the country code i.e, the country for which the fax number has been added, the region code for the fax number, whether the number is toll free or not, a 10 to 18 digit fax number and also to denote the carrier from which the Fax Number was allocated. 
Tag Name & type | # | Description |
FaxNumberType | | |
| CountryCode xs:string | 1 | The country to which the FAX number belongs to |
| RegionCode xs:string | 1 | The geographical region within the country for which the FAX number |
| TollFree xs:boolean | 1 | This field is used to denote whether the number is toll free or not |
| DNIS xs:string | 1 | 10 to 18 digit Fax Number |
| Carrier xs:string | 1 | This is used to denote the carrier/service provider to whch this number belongs |