3.11 FaxPrefixType
This is used to denote a prefix for the Fax Number. This consists of the country code, region code and whether the Fax Number is a toll free number or not. This is used to identify a FAX number. If this prefix is specified, then it means that the service will look for a FAX number with the specified country code, within the specified region. It also helps in identifying whether the FAX number is to be toll free number of not. 
Tag Name & type | # | Description |
FaxPrefixType | | |
| CountryCode xs:string | 1 | This is used to specify the country to which the Fax Number belongs to |
| RegionCode xs:string | 1 | This is used to denote the region (geographical location within the country) to which the Fax Number should belong to |
| TollFree xs:boolean | 1 | This is used to denote whether the number is a toll free number or not |