Tag Name & type | # | Description |
DocumentType | | |
| @ref xs:string | 0-1 | This is an arbitrary string that may be used to identify and refer to the document in other parts of a request, for example, a Message element in a JobSubmitRequest may use a Document in a DocumentSet via a DocRef child element. To be used in this way, the ref attribute must be present and must be unique within an Cloud Fax and Notifications API request body. |
| DocType xs:string | 1 | Indicates the format of the document. There are a limited number of legal values. The Cloud Fax and Notifications API will determine if the document indicated for any particular use is of an appropriate type, and generate an error response if it is not. Legal types currently are:
Value | Description |
BMP | .bmp image |
empty | document with no content |
GIF | GIF image file |
HTML | Hyper Text Markup Language |
HTMLLITE | The simplified version of Hyper Text Markup Language (aimed at AOL recipients) |
JPEG | JPEG image file |
MPP | Microsoft Project file |
MSW | Microsoft Word |
PCL | HP Printer Control Language |
PDF | Adobe Portable Document Format |
PNG | PNG image file |
PPT | PowerPoint document |
PS | PostScript |
PUB | Microsoft Publisher document |
RTF | Rich Text Format |
text | data to be treated as text |
TIFF | Tagged Image File Format input |
unspec | In some cases the file format is unimportant, e.g. for e-mail attachments. |
VSD | Visio document |
WAV | WAV/RIFF audio data |
XAR | Standard UNIX ar archive |
XLS | Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet |
XMF | XMF input |
| Filename EncodableStringType | 0-1 | This contains a string to be used wherever the filename of the document may be required. It is not necessarily the actual name of any file that contains the document. In general, the document type will be determined by the DocType value, but for some email processing, the extension part of the Filename value may be used to determine MIME types.
This is an EncodableStringType element, which means that arbitrary character set data can be used by base64-encoding the value, and including a b64charset attribute. The EasyLink switch does not currently use the character set information, and the caller should ensure that the decoded value is appropriate for the usage, for instance it may matter that it be consistent with the job character set value. |
| DocData DocDataType | 1 | This choice is used to contain the actual document contents. |
| @format DocEncodingFormat | 1 | Indicates the format of the data in the XML and may have one of these values:
text | if the document is present as plain text, or |
base64 | if it is present as base-64 encoded data |
(base64 is likely to be the most common) |
DocCfs xs:string | 1 | This choice is used to refer to a document in the Customer File Store that is to be the source of the document. |
DocUrl xs:anyURI | 1 | This choice is used to refer to a document via a URL which will be used to retrieve the actual document. (Beware of possible access difficulties.) |
SosObject SosObjectIdType | 1 | This choice is used to refer to a document stored as a Stored Object |
| @sosType xs:string | 1 | Indicates the stored object type. Currently supported stored object types are:
tts | Text-to-Speech template |
vcs | Voice Control Script |
| @ownershipLevel OwnershipLevelType | 0-1 | Optional attribute indicating the ownership level of the stored object. Currently supported levels are:
user | the stored object belongs to the user |
customer | the stored object belongs to the customer; |
group | the stored object belongs to the group |
system | the stored object is available to everyone. |
| CharacterSet xs:string | 0-1 | The ISO name of the character set used by the document |