General This topic describes general messaging questions. Topics include: “How do I check job status after submitting a job?” “How many JobIDs per request can be included for JobDelivery Status or JobSummary?” “Can I push status to my own service?” “Can I get all sent JobIDs by user or between timestamps?” “Can I encrypt the password before calling the SOAP API?” “What is message content and how is it structured?” “Where can I find report status mapping information?” “Can I receive inbound faxes?” “Is there a Web service push available for delivery status?” “Why does the JobDeliveryStatus API return “No information available”?” “Is there a time limit for re-sending jobs?” “Can I choose a platform, such as MessageREACH or XDDS, to process a message?” “Does a phone number need to specify a country code?”
This topic describes general messaging questions. Topics include:
Version 1.0