If neither FaxDNIS or FaxPrefix is included in the request, then an arbitrary number will be selected from the available pool.
Tag Name & type | # | Description |
FaxNumberAddRequest | | Namespace of this element is http://ws.easylink.com/FaxNumberAdd/2011/01 |
| SubmitId xs:string | 0-1 | Optional string id which is used to identify the request |
| F2MUser UserAliasType | 1 | The user for which we want to add a FAX number. See UserAliasType. |
| FaxDNIS xs:string | 1 | A complete fax number (10 to 18 digits.) If this DNIS is available, it will be assigned, otherwise the request will fail. |
FaxPrefix FaxPrefixType | 1 | If this is included, the set of available numbers will be searched for a match, and if one is found, then it will be assigned. If no match is found, the request will fail. See FaxPrefixType. |